I visited the lovely Natascha and her beautiful Luna at Slough Farm last autumn, and I thought I'd share some photos of them with you, as well as some common objections that I hear as they came up before thos session as well.
My horse won't stand still.
During my years as an equine photographer I have met two kinds of horses - the ones that won't stand still and the ones that just want to eat. I can photograph both, but where you might be worried that you won't get any photos, I'm actually quite happy. A horse that is a bit on it's toes photographs really well and I'm equipped with lots of patience and tricks to make it work. So don't worry, just relax and enjoy the moment and I'll do my job and get you some lovely portraits! I'm planning to release a blog post on this issue soon, so if this is a concern of yours, watch this space.
My Yard isn't pretty
The second concern that I hear, is that the yard isn't pretty, so will the photos really be good? To be honest, I haven't been to a yard yet here there aren't any locations that would work. There are always some fields, bridelways, woodlands - or if not, there might some querky gates or fun buildings. I don't need much space to make a photo work. I will meet with you at the beginning of your session and have a walk around your yard to find my favourite locations before we head over there with your horse.
So where Natascha was concerned about her yard, I thought it was fun and had some lovely spaces, and in the photos you can't see all the buildings surrounding us or the mud on the ground.
If you want to know what Natascha though about her photoshoot, you can read her testimonial here.